Happy Birthday to...ME!

Today is my 31st birthday.  For my birthday, Stu and the kids got me a gift certificate to use at blog2print.com so that I could create an awesome hardcover book version of my blog!  It worked out perfectly since my very first blog post was almost exactly one year ago.  Ordering my blog book, which ended up being nearly 150 pages of journaling and photography about my family and life, inspired me to write a post, post-haste.

Here are some of the things I'm thinking about as I step off the threshold of being 30 and into my 30's.
  • I recently saw a photograph my husband took of me from behind.  My behind is not so bad but the width of my shoulders, eegads!, I look like I could be a linebacker.  A little weight loss might be in order.
  • Stu and I are more seriously considering moving to a little larger house in the next year or few, although it's hard to come to grips with since we'd "decided" we were going to live in this house "forever".
  • So far, being a football widow isn't quite so bad this season.  In fact, I continue to forget to put up my traditional sign that states, "We Interrupt This Marriage to Bring You Football Season"
  • I have got to get my emotions under control.  This roller coaster ride is not good for any of us.  A therapist might be in order.
  • All those moms of school age kids are right.  While you're living it, the baby stage seems like it must be the worst and things must only get better when the kids are a little older and slightly more logical.  Wrong.  It just keeps getting harder, in different ways.
  • I finally feel like I might be gaining some teensy-tinesy bits of wisdom in some areas.  When I was young, I thought that people in their 20's had achieved "wisdom".  I was so wrong.
  • I am trying to embrace the idea that Stu and I can only do the best that we are personally able to do at parenting each day.  And even if we feel like we totally screwed the pooch on that one - tomorrow's a new day to try again. 
And now some Snippets from the Littles:

At the Minnesota State Fair on Saturday, Ryann pointed out a No Parking sign and asked, "Do you know what that means, Mom?"  I said, "What?" and she tutored me, "No saying 'P'".  I laughed and explained to her what it really means.

Stu and I have decided we need to start shopping for a bunk bed for the boys.  Adam fell out of the crib once and landed on his head but now he's figured out how to get out correctly and is traipsing in and out of his room during nap time whenever he feels like it.  We may as well switch him to a big boy bed now to avoid more brain trauma. 

I thought the anticipation of the first days of school (Wednesday for Max and Thursday for Ryann) would be at a fever pitch by this point but (I shouldn't really be surprised), I seem to be the only anxious one worrying about first day outfits (Max's only requirement is that it be "comfy"), fretting about the first bus ride (when my Grandma asked Max today if riding the bus is the thing he's most excited about regarding starting school, he sort of shrugged and told her he'd get back to her on Saturday and let her know what the most exciting thing was because at this point, he really doesn't know what to expect), and just generally worrying about "how "things" are going to go".  Max and Ryann (and Stu) seem to be taking it all in stride.


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