Confessions of a hassled mom

Remember a few weeks ago when I had the audacity to announce I "had it all under control!"? Yeah, well, I made myself a bald-faced liar.  It's only the 5th or so week of high school football season and only the 2nd full week of school and I am, admittedly, falling down on the job.  I think it was only the second or third day of school that I forgot to send Max's daily folder, in which he carries homework and general correspondence back and forth, in his school bag.  I got this when I picked him up from Deanna's that afternoon: "Mo-om, you forgot my fol-der!"

I am so lost and befuddled with all of the various things going on in our life right now that it finally dawned on me TODAY why Ryann is probably the only preschooler without a 4x6 photo on the bulletin board at school which is currently titled, "Look Who's Here!".....She's the only one without a photo BECAUSE I HAVEN'T SENT ONE YET.  The first newsletter of the year that came home with us at open house time told us we were to decorate an ice cream bucket to serve as their school-stuff transportation with a photo of the preschooler and any other decorative items we wished.  We were also to send one loose 4x6 photo of the preschooler for the teachers to use.  Yup....just remembering that assignment now.

This weekend, both Stu and I lost our cool.  We were trying to get out the door for church on time and the kids were doing everything in their power to push our buttons.  We got everything from, "I need to finish my game, just one more minute!" to "I can't find the shoes I want to wear." to "I'm not going sit on potty right now!" to "I'm starving!  I need to pack myself a snack before I can go get in the car!"  The three of them together finally got the best of us and we both started yelling.  We were really rather over the top, considering the ironic fact that we were trying to go to God sent us a message to settle down.  While Stu and I were battling with Max, trying to get him out to the van, Adam was surreptitiously booby trapping his own carseat (sure sign of a two-year-old - booby trapping your own carseat) by pressing the bright red button that unfastens the seatbelt that straps the carseat to the van seat.  Shortly after leaving our neighborhood, while steam was billowing from both mine and Stu's ears, I turned a corner after stopping at a stop sign and everyone in the car had a mild heart attack when Adam's seat went flying off the van seat and flipped completely upside down.  This was my tipping point.  While the accident resulted in Stu calming down, I completely lost my mind and had to sit, sobbing in the church parking lot for nearly 30 minutes before I could get it together enough to go into church.

In my defense, I have a lot on my mind right now.  I've been sick for over three weeks now with some strange virus that causes a horrible, aching throat and an itchy chest that makes me cough.  I did see a doctor and am taking antibiotics even though they couldn't technically find anything wrong with me.  I am solo parenting most hours of the week.  The kids were all sick a few weeks ago.  I've never had a child in grade school before.  My cousin was charged with a terrible crime a few weeks ago and I'm just finding out about this now.  I've posted before about how I am close with all of my cousins.  This was an extreme shock to me.  Adam's potty training is severely regressing and he seems to enjoy rubbing my nose in it.  He told me in a sing-song voice from his crib tonight, "Mom-my...I go pee-pee in mine diapie.  Hee hee!!"  He was doing so well with potty training and I am such a control freak planner that this is really throwing me for a loop.  He was supposed to be fairly well trained by the end of summer so that I could rest easy that we weren't going to be dealing with pee pee accidents in snowpants this winter.

In conclusion, I am doing my utmost to try to figure out how to get organized enough that I'm not forgetting important things while also trying to settle down so that I am not on the verge of a mental breakdown.  Any advice is welcome :)

Aaaah, this looks lovely.  If only summer vacation could last all year.  As I try to get my stress level under control, I'm going to meditate on the wonderful times the Stewarts got to have this summer:


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