Friday Night Lights

Today was a dreary day outside but a good day nonetheless. I was able to telecommute today while the contents of my work cubicle were being moved down the hall to the new area my entire department was moving to. This was a good thing because I don't have a cleaning lady to clean for but I do clean for my babysitters! So I got work-work done and housework done! I had a babysitter stay with Adam tonight so I could take Max and Ryann to Daddy's Homecoming game. It was a biggie since the team was 0 and 3 so far this year. Thank goodness the team pulled out a big win - 50-13 (or something like that; I can't be expected to get the score perfect when I'm doling out popcorn, stabbing straws into juice pouches, wiping grimy hands and schlepping to the port-a-potties for two and a half hours). Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy watching what I catch of the game. And this year at ages 4 and 3, Max and Ryann love watching, cheering for and learning about the game.

I was thinking about something a good friend of mine recently joked about - she has 4 young children herself and is also married to a football coach. She talked about watching the movie, "Remember the Titans" with her kids because you just can't indoctrinate the love of football in 'em young enough (tee hee hee). I thought of this as I was driving with Max and Ryann to the football game tonight. I do want them to love football since my husband (Stu) is so passionate about it (and I love it, too) but I get really excited when they show their intellectual sides as well. Not that playing football is not intellectual but, well, you know what I mean. Anyway, I was excited as we drove to the football game that I was doing my part to indoctrinate the love of the game into their little hearts but was also helping fuel their passion for the arts as I slipped a "Charlotte Church" CD into the player (a coworker found it while cleaning out their cube at work on Friday and gave it to me). I could see their little ears perk up in the back seat and both of them took turns calling out, "Turn it up, turn it up louder!" Ryann attempted to sing along with Charlotte but unless her songbird voice is yet to come, I don't think she'll be making a CD anytime soon. I get excited about their love for classical music. I have no idea if it means something; it probably doesn't mean anything BUT you should see them bee-bopping away in the backseat to "The Moldau" by B. Smetana. Yes, this is not a bee-bopping type of song, yet bee-bop they do. And it makes me excited. It is a wonderful piece - take a listen (follow the link and then click the big "play" button on the right; the bee-bopping begins at about 1 minute, 9 seconds in):

I don't want to leave Adam out and his snippet of the day is a doozie...prior to his babysitter arriving, he toddled down the hall towards me on his way from the kitchen/dining room/living area. He was looking quite smug, sucking in his lips and trying to covertly chew whatever it was he didn't want me to know he had in his mouth. He's a pushover though. I asked him, "Do you have something in your mouth, Adam? What is it?" "Unh, unh, unh" he responded and pivoted away from me, teetering back the way he'd come with his finger outstretched, pointing the way. He led me closer and closer to couldn't be....the DOG DISH?! I asked him, "Adam?! Are you eating dog food?!" I dropped to me knees and squashed his pudgy cheeks between my fingers and thumb and out popped, yes indeedy, a nugget of dog food. He wasn't too upset I'd taken it away so it couldn't have been all that tasty. The other wondrous part of this story is that he must have nabbed that nugget while Rosko was chowing away on his dinner. We have the most wonderful, patient, yellow lab mix in the world. I don't think the vast majority of dogs would tolerate a toddler digging in the dish to steal a nugget of food during their supper time!

I must sleep now to prepare for my third of four 5K races this summer/fall! The race begins at 9:00 am tomorrow morning. I have not trained as I should have for this one so will likely be jogging slowly and my goal is to try not to stop to walk at all (very much).

Good night, sleep tight!


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