365+1 Photo Catchup part 2

Day 96 (4/4/12):
Adam, modeling Max's old Woody cowboy boots that are still a little big for him but he luuurves to wear, behind Grandma and Grandpa Frantz's garage during our weekly Wednesday visit.
Day 97 (4/5/12):
Last minute desperation photo.  This is my worn-out work badge.  I'll have worked for this company for 11 years this July.  Wow....I'm old.  That photo was taken nearly 11 years ago.  They don't update your badge photos, ever.  There are some really awesome badges being sported by the old guard who've been there 20+ years.
Day 98 (4/6/12):
I have some Caribou Coffee gift cards from Christmas.  I chose to treat myself Friday morning with this pineapple-mango-key lime-orange sunrise something-er-other smoothie.  It was go-od.
Day 99 (4/7/12):
I'll probably post more Easter egg-coloring photos later that include the Snippets but I loved this shot with Stu's manly hand and the drip about to drop from the bottom of the freshly dyed egg.


Chris said…
I loved boots as a kid, I wore them everywhere.

I have a name badge just like that! (Only it doesn't say Boston Scientific. Or Sheri Stewart. And it has my picture.)

How did they get all that stuff on into that smoothie cup?

That egg dyeing picture is MAGNIFICENT! Well done!

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