Intense few days

Stu's been out of town since Thursday morning for a football clinic and he missed so much hilarity around here last night, you wouldn't believe it.  I kept sprinting to the kitchen to jot notes down about the bust-a-gut things the kids were all saying.  So yesterday was an intensely fun and funny day.  Today was an intense day because I had rough day.  But let's not dwell on that; let's get back to the funny stuff:

1. I was playing "Words With Friends" on my iPod against my mom, who was playing on her Android phone.  "Words With Friends" is basically like Scrabble.  The game my mom and I were playing had been started with the words "shits" and "fart".  The rest of the words were tame but when Max snuggled up to me and tried to peer at the screen, I told him I didn't want him to look at my game.  When he asked me why, I was honest and said that there was an inappropriate word that I didn't want him to read.  He was ok with that and wandered away, muttering to himself, "I bet Grammie wrote 'stupid'...or maybe jack a-s-s (he actually spelled out 'ass')".  "Hey!" I called and he apologized.  Ryann was in the bathroom and overheard our conversation and started randomly calling out words she thought might be the inappropriate one - "Poop?  Butt?  Pee pee?"  I'm glad that even though Max attends a K-8 school, the worst "inappropriate" word he knows right now is "jack a-s-s" and the most terrible terms Ryann can come up with are all bathroom words :)

2. Max and Ryann are becoming more and more helpful around the house lately.  I definitely sometimes rely on Max to help me remember things.  The kid's got a mind like a steel trap.  I was loading the dishwasher last night while the kids were taking their baths and showers.  Max and Ryann were both in the bathroom and I called out, "Max?  I don't want to turn on the dishwasher yet because I don't want to steal hot water from your showers.  Will you help me remember to turn the dishwasher on after everyone's showers?"  "Sure Mom", he responded.  Ryann asked what we were talking about and I was tired of yelling across the house so I asked Max to tell Ryann what the scoop was.  "What?" he responded.  I said, "Tell your sister what we were taking about."  He asks, "What were we talking about?"  I ask, "Were you even listening to me?"  He responds, "No, not really"  Ok, least he's honest.

3. If you've read some of my past blog posts, you may know that I am on a mission to teach my children to be more self-reliant when it comes to entertaining themselves.  I'm proud to say they are all doing an excellent job.  If they don't go find something to do on their own, they've gotten much better about initiating play with one another and sticking with it for some time.  Admittedly, sometimes Stu and I have to intervene because their favorite games always involve what appears to be some form or another of beating the crap out of each other.  But I digress.  Last night, Ryann pulled out some My Little Ponies and approached Adam, trying to initiate some imaginary play.  Only problem was, Adam was in the middle of some important bathroom business.  So here's what I heard from the kitchen, while I was doing dishes:

Ryann: I brought these over; I heard you were going to have some babies with your husband!
Adam: NO! I need to wipe my butt!!

Another extraordinary thing happened yesterday morning, too.  When I dropped the kids off at Deanna's house, she and Robb and the kids were really excited to share with us what was going on in their backyard.  When we rushed to the window to look, this is what we saw:


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