Day 113 (4/21/12):
Only quick photo taken today, right before going to bed. Never mind the cobweb I now see to the left of my bedside lamp. |
Day 114 (4/22/12):
I take lots of photos of this shrub in our front yard. I love when it blooms and it bloomed extra early this year. |
Day 115 (4/23/12):
Max's baseball team this year is called the Owlz. He told us the other day he's going to play baseball every year until he grows up and can play professionally :) |
Day 116 (4/24/12):
Mmmmmm, lilac blooms from the backyard made the dining room smell pretty for a couple days. |
Day 117 (4/25/12):
My mother-in-law gave me a plant recently. I like seeing green, growing things in my house....we'll see how long I can keep it alive, though. I do not have a good track record. |
Day 118 (4/26/12):
Ryann's tooth was so loose, she was sportin' the Nanny McPhee look. And then... |
Day 119 (4/27/12):
Daddy gave Ryann some medicine in a syringe, accidentally bumping the dangling tooth all the way loose. When Ryann swallowed, she felt the tooth slide down her throat. She was beside herself. We wrote a note to the tooth fairy with an explanation and all was right with the world. |
Day 120 (4/28/12):
Whoops, three days in a row of Ryann. I'll get some of the boys in here soon. This was the day we "practiced" getting Ryann ready for her dance pictures, rehearsal, and recital. Strange to see your little girl with mascara and lipstick on! |
Day 121 (4/29/12):
Oops! Missed another day.
Day 122 (4/30/12):
Another last-minute desperation photo of home decorations. These are in my bathroom. |
Day 123 (5/1/12):
Severe thunderstorm warnings in May? A bit early but I'll take it. I LOOOOVE a good, booming, "ripsnorter" as my dad calls them. |
Day 124 (5/2/12):
Pretty flower on my Grandma and Grandpa's kitchen table |
Day 125 (5/3/12):
Sometimes running the kids around to all their "stuff" can make a parent crazy. But then we look up from the baseball field and see amazing sights like this, it can turn an ordinary, frazzling moment into one of awe. |
Day 126 (5/4/12):
B.K. (before kids), going out to eat was one of my favorite things to do. For a while A.K. (after kids, naturally), I dreaded it. Now I love it again. And Max loves huge french fries. |
Day 127 (5/5/12):
With all the randomly sunny, warm and then alternately rainy, dreary days, the perennial garden has exploded! |
Day 128 (5/6/12):
If you'd seen what these storage shelves, conveniently located under our basement stairway, looked like before Stu and I cleaned and organized them you'd be dang proud of us. |
Day 129 (5/7/12):
Prepping for dance picture night. I know I'm biased but my goodness my daughter has a beautiful profile! |
Day 130 (5/8/12):
Buzz's broken (be)spectacles |
Day 131 (5/9/12):
Max and his buddy sportin' their buzz cuts at the park. |
Day 132 (5/10/12): TWO picture day
I left work a few minutes early this day and pulled over at one of the 10,000 lakes here in MN to kick off my work shoes, lay back and relax for 15 minutes before picking up the Snippets and starting the evening madness. It was heavenly. |
This picture was just too good not to share. Betcha didn't know one of the Stu's dad duties is to act as a comfy reading perch during a baseball game. |