Counting my blessings

I noted in a recent post that football season (and my impending football coach widowdom) is quickly approaching.  The summer has gone way too quickly.  And I was very sick for about half of it.  But looking back, it has been one of the best summers in a long time.  We had the opportunity to (among other bits and pieces of life):

1. Experience Max's first lost tooth
2. Grow a vegetable garden and, for the first time since being married and moving into our house 9 and a half hears ago, planting and maintaining some annual flowers around the yard
3. Get Ryann's ears pierced
4. Play tons and tons in our backyard on our swingset and in our little plastic kiddie pool
5. Play in and attend fun, pint-sized baseball games
6. Visit the MN Zoo, play with lots of friends, have a parents-only weekend (well, almost 24 hours) away
7. Spend an entire week at the family cabin

and just in the last two days, I've:

1. Had a mani/pedi
2. Eaten dinner at Panera with some girlfriends
3. Attended the movie "The Help" with the same girlfriends plus one more (loved it; highly recommended)
4. Taken the kids, along with Stu, to Bunker Beach water park (which was totally fun and also highly recommended)

Yep, I've taken full advantage of this summer and I think....dare I say it....I might be....ready for Fall and all that brings with it - back to school, high school football, and this year - flag football for Max, dance for Ryann, and maybe something for Adam as well.  I love my crazy life!


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