Riley update and potty training success

From what I hear from Brittany, Riley tolerated open-heart surgery very well.  Just a day after surgery, he was weaned off of the ventilator and when that went well, his breathing tube was removed.  The next day, Brittany was finally able to hold him and feed him breastmilk from bottles (so that his intake could be monitored).  He was doing pretty well but was only drinking about 1.5 ounces at each feeding and they wanted him to drink more so he still had an IV but no feeding tube.  There was the possibility that he would very soon be moved to a regular floor and if he continued to do so well, might be able to go home less than a week from then.  Then, yesterday afternoon, he started refusing to eat at his feedings and there was talk of reinserting the feeding tube.  The last update I got was that he ate a little more so no feeding tube was needed; however, the physicians now think that Riley has acid reflux and that is contributing to his poor eating.  I have lots of friends whose babies had acid reflux when they were little but, really?  Do poor Brittany, Rory, and Riley have to deal with that on top of everything else?

On to potty training success:
Friday, when I picked Adam up from Deanna's house, she was proud to report that he'd gone potty in the toilet all day and kept his undies dry all day!  He promptly soaked those day-long clean undies for me, shortly after we got home.  Yesterday was not a great day either.  But TODAY, TODAY is a different story.  For the first time, Adam TOLD me that he needed to go potty.  Out of the blue, this morning, while playing Adam looked up at me and said, with some urgency in his voice, "I go poo-poo!"  I said, "Ok!  Don't go poo-poo in your pants, let's run to the potty!"  And run we did.  His undies were clean and dry and he went to the bathroom on the toilet.  Stu was away in Duluth at our friend Greg's bachelor party last night and this morning so I got all three kids ready and to church by myself.  I let the gals in the nursery know that Adam was wearing training undies and that he had been given strict instructions to let them know if he had to potty.  When I collected him after service, his undies were dry and the nursery helper told me he'd gone to the bathroom in the toilet.  Things have continued along this vein and we've had the SAME PAIR OF UNDERWEAR on all day.  Well, Adam's had the same pair.  We've not shared a pair.  That would be weird and make it hard to walk.  Anyway, obviously I am suffering from potty-training success euphoria.


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