Things remembered

Just want to jot a few notes about things that may seem trivial but that I'd like to remember:

1. Adam calls "water", "wahtee" and when he wants to color (which is often lately), he wants to "cuddee".

2. Max loves the "A Jigsaw Jones Mystery" books. I was reading one to him today and Jigsaw was cracking a coded note left for him by his sidekick, Mila. It turns out the code was an up and down code which meant the words, if read left to right, did not make sense. But if the columns of words were read up and then down, left to right, it did make sense. When I explained to Max how to read the coded message, he read with barely any hesitation (though he's been proclaiming that even though he's been sounding out and spelling words for months that he CANNOT read), "Let's meet in the tree house at noon to go over the facts of the case. Destroy this note after you solve the secret message." Once again....seems like Kindergarten is going to be mostly about developing social skills for Max...seems like he's already got a lot of the intellectual skills down.

3. I took Max and Ryann to the movie "How to Train Your Dragon" today. Immediately after the movie ended, as we were shuffling sideways out of the aisle, Max said, "I liked that movie! Thanks for bringing us, Mom!" Also, this was the first time that the kids took the initiative to discuss the movie afterwards. Prior to this, we would try to cajole them into talking about the movie by asking if they enjoyed it, what parts were their favorite, etc. When we got home, they told Stu about parts of the movie and recalled some of the funny parts. This parenting gig can be so fun sometimes. I love marveling at my children's development.


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