Refrigerator calendar cut-ups

You may remember that I save up cute kid things I want to remember by jotting them on the fridge calendar we have.  I practically filled up the calendar in one day, this Wednesday, with the gems Max and Ryann were providing me.

First of all, at about 6:15 in the morning, the three kids and I were assembled around the table enjoying breakfast together.  The house was silent as far as I could tell, apart from the quiet humming/buzzing of the refrigerator.  Suddenly, Ryann says, "I hear Max and Ruby!"  Max responded soothingly, "Oh, that's just your brain."

A short while later, Ryann announced that when she grew up, she planned to be a princess and a doctor.  I said that was wonderful and asked Max what he was going to be when he grew up.  He quickly responded, "A garbage picker-upper and a baseball player."  Well, at least my kids both have dreams and back up plans??

Next, Max was whining to me about how Ryann loves his Star Wars action figures.  I asked why it was such a big problem and he informed me that Star Wars action figures are not for loving, they are for fighting!

Later that day, we made a fort.  Ah, fort fun.  This was good entertainment for probably half of a whole hour!  Then, the boys pulled the fort down and destroyed it - which was good fun for 5 whole seconds.  That was followed by tickle fighting in the blankets which was another 4 minutes of fabulousness.  Then, later that afternoon Mom cleaned it all up.  Which equated to nearly 10 minutes of frivolity.


They are too cute!!!

I LOVE fort fun. I have fond memories of spending hours playing in forts with my brother and/or friends.

They are such funny kids. :)

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