A.J. Stewart?

Our youngest, Adam, was by far and away the easiest baby out of our three.  People would often (VERY often) comment on how quiet and easy he was.  He was the kind of baby who, at the age of 3 or 4 months would sit, wide-eyed in his carseat carrier looking around at the world for some time and then decide that he was, in fact, tired and ready to nap.  Rather than beginning to fuss and carry on as I expect most babies do (and as Ryann definitely did), Adam would simply close his eyes and fall asleep.  When he was in the second half of his first year of life, he would contendly play by himself for so long that people would forget he was in the room (not me because I'm the mom but others who did not actually perform the act of giving birth to him).  He would sometimes be left waiting in his high chair to be cleaned up after a meal time while Max and Ryann and some of the dishes were attended to.  Adam was content to wait quietly, watching his family bustle around him.

Well, all that has changed, my friends.  Adam is still a good sleeper, very independent, entertains himself, and can be quite patient.  But, as my mother-in-law so aptly put it this weekend, Adam has become "personality-plus".  He is eager to have his way and usually "his way" means climbing up on furniture and leaping from it.  Opening things that are not meant for babies.  Eating all the time.  Dancing around and performing some Adam-invented form of gymnastics (he has a floor routine and attempts to do some vault-type moves with his feet on the couch and his hands on the coffee table).  Pressing the "power" button on the computer, just as you were completing some project you had been working on for the past 30 minutes.  Attempting to climb into the bathtub unassisted.  Inserting the TV remote into the VCR slot.  And, at 21 months of age, we believe that Adam may have decided to change his own name.  Adam's middle name is Jackson.  When he was a newborn, we toyed with the idea of calling him "A.J." but somehow Adam seemed to match the baby better and that's what rolled off everyone's tongues.  On Sunday morning, I was goofing around, drying Adam off after his bath.  I called him "A.J." and he immediately responded, with glee, "A.J.!!"  I said it again and he copied me again.  I called to Stu and said, "I think Adam wants to be called A.J." and once again, Adam parroted, "A.J.!"  

So Stu and I have been practicing calling our littlest A.J. to see how it feels.  Max caught on and thought it was quite fun so he's been trying to remember to call him A.J. too.  We'll see if it sticks.


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