A week in review
1. Adam had his 18 month well baby appointment at the pediatrician. He is in the 70th percentile for height, 40th percentile for weight and 80th percentile for head circumference. He still has a clogged tear duct and is not saying many words yet.
2. Max had preschool today.
3. We had sandwiches for dinner.
4. The last session of swimming. Neither Ryann nor Max passed out of Level 1 so Stu and I decided to take a break for a year or so and try again next year when they are older and more coordinated. Swim lessons can be expensive!
1. We found out that Max WILL be able to participate in Roseville hockey this season. They added a micro-mites "class" on Wednesday evenings.
2. Ryann had her finger accidentally smooshed in the door that connects the kitchen to the garage, just before dinner.
3. We had sloppy joes for dinner.
4. We attended a Kindergarten open house at Parkview Center School - one of our two choices for where to send Max for Kindergarten next year.
1. Ryann had preschool.
2. Max and I took Adam to get his 18 month pictures taken at Target. This did not go well. Adam preferred to run around the room, rather than stand still and smile handsomely for the photographer. I expected nothing less from my rambunctious 18 month old boy. I made an appointment for next Tuesday evening to try again.
3. We had pork chops for dinner.
1. Max had preschool today. There was a Harvest Party at school.
2. We had soup for dinner.
1. I took a half day off of work and met some friends for breakfast at Panera Bread in Rosedale and then saw "New Moon" at 9:00. I then went to work after that.

2. Ryann had preschool this day. There was a Harvest Party for her, too.
3. We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.
4. We had a family movie night and watched "Mulan" (for about the 50th time and I still like it!)
5. One sad note - my grandparents dog passed away on Friday due to a tragic accident - she choked on her breakfast and, despite my grandma's best efforts, she suffocated :(