Not Me! Monday (take two)

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
This is my first "Not Me! Monday!" blog post. I've been storing up Not Me! fodder for a couple weeks now. Not that it should take long. I just have a terrible memory so I (sometimes conveniently) forget many of my motherly whoopses.
A few weeks ago I most certainly did not race around the house at 6:55 in the morning, bellowing at the 3 children to "Hush up!" while I repeatedly (17 times) called my cell phone from my land line and listened to it ring, attempting to find where the darn thing was! I did not encourage my children to "HELP ME LISTEN!" while I jogged from room to room. I definitely did not finally locate my cell phone sitting on the dryer where I'd placed it while ironing my pants for that day and realize I could hear it through the heat vents upstairs and that's why I kept thinking it was up there somewhere.
I would never be so irresponsible as to forget my password needed to access my financial account information through work. And if I did, I would not call to request to have the password mailed to me and then promptly misplace that piece of mail....three times. Third times not always the charm, right?
Happy Monday!!
I have done that with my cell phone sooooo many times. It's worse now that my daughter can walk and steals it-- I mean, takes it-- with her every where!