How could I forget?!
I left one of the coolest parts of the week out of my recap in my last post!! Remember, I got the new Outlander book a while ago? Called "An Echo in the Bone", remember? Well, the author of that series, Diana Gabaldon, was scheduled to appear at the Roseville Barnes and Noble on October 1st at 7:00 pm. I was so psyched! I told Stu about it several weeks ago and he, in turn, told me he'd made an appointment to see his dentist that night about a chipped molar. Being the loving, sympathetic wife that I am (I would never want my husband to have tooth pain!), I asked him to reschedule. I also asked if he could rush home as quickly as possible so that I could hopefully get a good enough spot to actually see or at the very least HEAR Diana speak. Being the wonderful, doting husband he is, Stu rescheduled his appointment for later this week and hurried home (skipping the weekly carbo load) and I arrived at Barnes and Noble at 6:00. I got a fine spot to stand but I overheard people saying that the folding chair seating had been taken at about 3:00 pm that day! I had also planned ahead and gone to the bookstore earlier that morning to get a number for my place in line to have "An Echo in the Bone" signed. I was number 48 and I eavesdropped more and learned that there were people who had numbers in the 200's!! AND Diana Gabaldon had assured everyone she'd sign as many copies of "An Echo in the Bone" they wanted and up to two of her other books. The woman must have wrist muscles of steel. She walked out to speak at a little after 7:00 and was completely charming and funny. She's the first author I've seen in real life and it was a really neat experience. I'm so thankful I was able to attend. Being the photo-freak that I am, you would think I would have remembered to bring my camera to something like this...but remembering to take my own picture is not my forte. I have about 3,000 pictures of Stu and the kids and there are (seriously) about 30 that include me. Anywho, thank goodness for cell phones with cameras. I managed to get this horrible, grainy shot of me and Diana:
