A burgeoning reader
Max, the 4.5 year old genius of the household, can now officially READ. A boy after my own heart!! I don't think I learned to read until I was around 5 or 6 but once I figured it out, it was non-stop ever after. I can remember reading several books at a time as early as first grade. By the end of first grade, I was reading "chapter books" and by "chapter book" I mean something like "Frog and Toad are Friends".
For some reason, after I finished reading for the night, I would slip my book underneath my pillow. Sounds really uncomfortable now but I honestly remember having 5 or 6 books at a time underneath my pillow. I must have slept better knowing that my books were nearby and very accessible, should I be struck with the sudden urge to wake in the middle of the night and take up where I'd left off in one of them.
Now I keep my books next to my bed and not underneath my pillow. But I still read several at a time and I do like to have then near at hand. When I wake up after having a bad dream (which is rare these days), it sometimes helps me fall back to sleep if I first turn on my bedside lamp and read a few pages of one of my books.
As for Max, he keeps his books next to his pillow, not underneath but they end up falling over the edge during the course of the night. He's always got a small mountain of books piled next to the bed. Grammie bought him a clip-on light for his bed a few months ago and he uses it nightly. After Stu or I read a book to him and Ryann, he snuggles into bed and "reads" (he used to just look at the pictures but now maybe he really is reading to himself) for another 20 minutes or so before falling asleep.
I posted the other day that he read his first book, "I Like Bugs". The next day, I read the book "Walter the Farting Dog" for his and Ryann's bedtime story. Personally, I think the word "fart" coming out of a toddler or preschooler's mouth is just too gross for words. So Stu and I have always used the word "toot" in front of the kids. When we read "Walter the Farting Dog", we read it as "Walter the Tooting Dog". Except this burgeoning reader of ours is just too keen for words! I sat with the book on my lap, waiting for everyone to get comfy and Max pointed to the word "Farting" and asked, "Mom, why does "Walter the Tooting Dog" have an "F" right here?" and he started sounding out, "F-a...". I answered him, "Well, Max, you are too smart now I guess. This book is actually called "Walter the Farting Dog" but Daddy and I think the word "fart" is a little crude, so we say "toot". Max asked, "What does "fart" mean?" I responded, "It means the same things as "toot", it's just a more crude way to say it." "Hmmm, ok", was all he came back with.
In other news, we had our family portrait taken by Olan Mills at church tonight for the church photo directory. They also took photos of just the three munchkins and a couple of just Stu and I. We were allowed to preview the pictures and choose the family grouping we liked best for the directory. We also got 1 complimentary 8x10 of the family. One of the shots turned out really well and I'm very excited for our new family portrait which should arrive in the mail in 3-4 weeks. I also previewed the other shots and, bestill my heart, there was one of the 3 babes that was oh too cute to pass up. I always get the kids photos taken at JCPenney's and their prices are very reasonable. I assumed that Olan Mills' prices would not be quite so low but my heart was almost bestilled when I was told that ONE 5x7 of my beautiful babes and ONE sheet of wallets (12 0f them) would be $40!!!!!! But, I'm a sucker and I could not pass up a good photo of all 3 kids looking in the right direction and smiling sweetly. So, we're out $55.65 (with taxes, shipping, and handling) and those pictures will also be arriving in 3-4 weeks. I'm still a little peeved about the ridiculous pricing....trying to let it go....

Now I keep my books next to my bed and not underneath my pillow. But I still read several at a time and I do like to have then near at hand. When I wake up after having a bad dream (which is rare these days), it sometimes helps me fall back to sleep if I first turn on my bedside lamp and read a few pages of one of my books.
As for Max, he keeps his books next to his pillow, not underneath but they end up falling over the edge during the course of the night. He's always got a small mountain of books piled next to the bed. Grammie bought him a clip-on light for his bed a few months ago and he uses it nightly. After Stu or I read a book to him and Ryann, he snuggles into bed and "reads" (he used to just look at the pictures but now maybe he really is reading to himself) for another 20 minutes or so before falling asleep.
I posted the other day that he read his first book, "I Like Bugs". The next day, I read the book "Walter the Farting Dog" for his and Ryann's bedtime story. Personally, I think the word "fart" coming out of a toddler or preschooler's mouth is just too gross for words. So Stu and I have always used the word "toot" in front of the kids. When we read "Walter the Farting Dog", we read it as "Walter the Tooting Dog". Except this burgeoning reader of ours is just too keen for words! I sat with the book on my lap, waiting for everyone to get comfy and Max pointed to the word "Farting" and asked, "Mom, why does "Walter the Tooting Dog" have an "F" right here?" and he started sounding out, "F-a...". I answered him, "Well, Max, you are too smart now I guess. This book is actually called "Walter the Farting Dog" but Daddy and I think the word "fart" is a little crude, so we say "toot". Max asked, "What does "fart" mean?" I responded, "It means the same things as "toot", it's just a more crude way to say it." "Hmmm, ok", was all he came back with.
In other news, we had our family portrait taken by Olan Mills at church tonight for the church photo directory. They also took photos of just the three munchkins and a couple of just Stu and I. We were allowed to preview the pictures and choose the family grouping we liked best for the directory. We also got 1 complimentary 8x10 of the family. One of the shots turned out really well and I'm very excited for our new family portrait which should arrive in the mail in 3-4 weeks. I also previewed the other shots and, bestill my heart, there was one of the 3 babes that was oh too cute to pass up. I always get the kids photos taken at JCPenney's and their prices are very reasonable. I assumed that Olan Mills' prices would not be quite so low but my heart was almost bestilled when I was told that ONE 5x7 of my beautiful babes and ONE sheet of wallets (12 0f them) would be $40!!!!!! But, I'm a sucker and I could not pass up a good photo of all 3 kids looking in the right direction and smiling sweetly. So, we're out $55.65 (with taxes, shipping, and handling) and those pictures will also be arriving in 3-4 weeks. I'm still a little peeved about the ridiculous pricing....trying to let it go....
And I hear ya on the pictures. I ended up spending $95 at Target on photos last weekend! Yikes! (too many poses I liked + Christmas cards)