Looks Like We Made It!

Look how far we've come now ba-aby!!
Adam in the tub last week.  You can't see 'em but his IOLs are helpin' him see you!

Check out these perfect, baby-blue peepers!
For now, we feel like we've crossed an ocean.  Just a few months ago, we learned of the possibility of our sweet baby going blind.  Most recently, Stu took Adam to a check up with Dr. B.  After our check up about two and a half weeks ago with Dr. G. while Dr. B. was on a mission's trip in Africa, we were told that the vision in Adam's left eye (most recently operated on) was lagging way behind the vision in his right eye.  We were given a prescription for a bifocal lens for the left side of his frames and told to patch Adam's right eye as much as he would tolerate - at least for half of his waking hours.  Well, our little trooper managed to properly patch for an average of 6-8 hours a day, every day!  So...back to Stu's trip with Adam to see Dr. B.  I eagerly awaited a call at work with the news - was the patching helping?  Should we cut back on the amount of hours so that we weren't overdoing it and adversely affecting the right eye?  My desk phone rang, and I saw on the caller ID that it was Stu.  I snatched it up and could not believe the good news he imparted.  Not only had the patching helped, Adam's left eye was completely caught up to his right, completely healed, and we were to stop all drops and all patching.  In fact, Adam's vision had improved a bit in both eyes.  We are currently waiting for his new lenses to come in so they can be cut to fit his frames.  We cannot even begin to explain how happy we are.  We do not need to see Dr. B. again until August.  We are not completely out of the woods - there is still the very small risk that Adam could develop glaucoma or secondary cataracts on his IOLs.  But we've learned over the past few months that we must live in the now.  And now things are lookin' good (pun intended)!

We've also made it all the way through Ryann's preschool career!  She graduated from preschool last Wednesday. She and her classmates sang some sweet songs for us:

  Next, they were each given certificates.  She was so cute as she accepted her "diploma":

and then gamely posed for a few seconds so I could snap a few shots to ensure I got a good one.  She was also darn cute, grinning with her good buddy, P.
If these two were old enough to marry right now, they'd want to marry each other.  They "love" each other, or so they think  ;)

Funny story for you - Ryann was conversing with Stu and I this weekend and she sighed, "I loooove babies!"  She thought for just a second and then added, "and pinatas!"  Not quite sure how those two things got lumped into the same category but I hope it wasn't her thinking of beating babies with sticks.


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