Marvelous, miraculous Max

Max - I'm reading through some recent blog posts and realize that you've hardly been mentioned.  That will simply not do.  I'm sure it's because you are growing into such a young man so quickly, there haven't been as many crazy, silly stories to tell about you lately.  Let us chronicle some of your achievements of late:

1. You are halfway through your first official year of grade school (when people ask what grade you're in, you answer, "I'm not in a grade.  I'm in Kindergarten") and doing swimmingly.  You are academically WAY ahead of the crowd.  I attended a "group parent/teacher conference" in October where individual testing results were provided to each parent.  There was a column at the far right of the paper that showed what was expected by the end of the year.  There were three other columns showing what you currently knew, a blank column to capture what you knew halfway through the school year, and another blank column to log what you'd achieved by the end of the year.  I scanned the information and quickly came to the conclusion that the only reason you are in Kindergarten at all is to get used to the idea of "school" - listening to a teacher, following school rules, working with your peers, taking the time to do quality work, etc. because you'd achieved probably 95% of what was expected, academically, by the END of the school year, in OCTOBER.  Your teacher, Kelly (teacher's go by first names at your school) said that she was very proud of you and if she had any constructive feedback to give, it would be that you needed to try to keep your hands to yourself on the playground and slow down and do your best, quality work on assignments.  Just so you know - Dad and I will always work together with school to make sure that you are doing what you're supposed to be but I gotta give you the benefit of the doubt on this one - it's got to be hard to slow down and do quality work on projects that are probably too simple and a little boring for you.

2. Only so that we can look back with fondness and laugh, I will record that you've had a couple issues on the bus this year - I won't elucidate here and have it captured for all time because I'm sure we'll remember what happened, despite that fact that the issues weren't a big deal; they'll stay in my mind since you were my first baby to venture off to school :)

3. You are absolutely loving playing hockey this year and you skate your hardest in every practice and every game.  This weekend, you scored your first goal!  (Although you keep arguing with me that it's your second so maybe I'm wrong and it really is your second and I was not aware of the first-ever goal).  Dad, Grandma Stu, and Uncle Pat were there and Dad says he gave you a thumbs up from the stands when you looked up at him.  Dad texted me right away (I was home with Ryann and Adam) and I called Grammie and Grandpa and posted it on Facebook - everyone's so excited for you.

4. You really enjoy playing with your younger siblings and try very hard to be a good role model for them.  You are great about sharing a room with your younger brother and hardly complain at all about the fact that he begs you, from his crib, to do stuff for him like get him more books and let him borrow your Tag toy to listen to.  And somehow, I have no idea how, you are usually able to tune him out when he throws a fit about having to settle down to sleep.  You've been known to sleep right through 45 minutes or more of loud tantrum-ing.

5. You really enjoy doing challenging flash cards with us (we've been making our own at home since you mastered the ones available from school a long time ago) and being quizzed with math problems.

6. You got a chess/checkers set for your birthday and love playing checkers and chess (Dad taught us both and you caught on in about 2 days) with me and Dad.  You also beg to play games on my new iPod Touch all the time.

7. You are the most affectionate and cuddly guy in the whole house.  You make me feel like the best mom in the world every day because you love to hug me and tell me how much you love me.

8. You have a great sense of humor and Dad and I love teasing you and making you laugh.  You make us laugh all the time!


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