I just made the decision this July to start fostering rescue dogs. Since then, we've housed NINE different dogs. Some lived with us for a few days, some a few weeks, some went to their forever homes, some moved on to or back to different foster homes. Each one holds a special placed in all our hearts and I will be forever grateful for this experience.
Lady was our first foster and I cried the day after she was adopted. She was the perfect first foster. |
Max was an amazing dog and was only with us a few days before he got adopted. I still think of his lovely jug head and what it felt like to pet it! |
Molly was a beautiful, sweet girl who ended up with a wonderful home with a young man in St. Paul. Last I heard she was a perfect companion :) |
Ryann fell deeply in love with Perdy and I think the feeling was mutual. Perdy was the hardest for Ryann to let go. She was a sweet, snuggly, good-natured little Chihuahua girl! |
Polly stayed with us while her regular foster was on vacation. She was the easiest foster we've ever had because her greatest love in life was to lie outside, by herself under the big maple tree, in the sun, all day long! |
Anna was our first foray into the world of pitbulls and she couldn't have been a better representation. She was sweet, soft, and ladylike. She was a joy to foster. |
Barney was our next beautiful pit mix. He was young - about a year old and FULL of energy. Honestly, he's been our toughest foster so far. He needed constant watching or he'd be bulldozing everything that got in his way and eating everything that caught his fancy. But he ended up with the perfect home for him with a lovely family in Minneapolis. |
Sweet Stu who loved to lie around on comfy blankets was only with us for a while and is now in foster care with a brand new foster. He has a couple people interested in him so say your prayers for him that he'll find the right, great home! |
Nicki is another beautiful soul who has captured my heart. She is calm and gentle and ladylike and although she's only been with us for about 24 hours, I am smitten! |