Quick! Before I forget!!

I've been jotting down Fridge Funnies notes again and playing with Adam this early afternoon reminded me I needed to get them on the blog before I forget.  I recently told my sister that the age from 1 to 2 is one of my favorites because your baby becomes a little person and, in some cases, starts talking so you get to hear what's going on in their little head.  Well, the age between 3 and 4 is a close second fave.  While for us this period was usually fraught with stand offs because our little ones were working on becoming more independent, it was also again full of huge personality growth and learning, learning, learning.  Adam learns more and more each day but sometimes he gets things just a little "off"....which only serves to inject a little hilarity in the house. 

Just now, we were building a tall tower together using MegaBlocks.  I listened to Adam chatter away as he built and I laughed inside when I realized how often he uses the term "ginormous".  Also, I was impressed when the tower tipped over and Adam informed me we needed a stronger base.  Our last little Snippet is growing up and may be following in his Engineer-Grandpa's footsteps like his big brother! 

Recently, we consolidated all of our block toys into one bin so the MegaBlocks live with the Duplos live with the Lincoln Logs.  Adam started to pull out some Lincoln Logs and asked if we could build with the "Linking Logs".  So freakin' cute!  Of course a nearly four year old would think those things were called Linking Logs.

Adam thinks that when something is "soaking wet", it is "soak and wet".

Since Buzz (Adam) is the youngest of three, he's learning more about the social world around him than Max and Ryann did when they were his age.  They did not have school age siblings to model for them.  But Buzzy does.  So his favorite songs include Michael Jackson's "Beat It" and LMFAO's "I'm Sexy and I Know It".  Except Adam thinks he's "suction and he knows it".

Here's a recent picture of Buzz furiously flapping his hands at bubbles Grandma Stu was blowing for him at her house on Easter Sunday.  The child moves so quickly, I can hardly get a shot of him with no blur :)


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