Some announcements
If I write it down, it shall be so.
Well, I'm at least going to make an attempt.
Announcement #1: I have a couple New Year's resolutions for 2012 that I'm excited about. I haven't made a New Year's resolution in several years because I couldn't think of something that I really wanted to commit to. This past year has been pretty rough on me and my family. We've had medical issues, financial issues, worries about family and friends. It's nothing compared to what some people have gone through, are going through, or may face in the future. But we all have our own burdens to bear.
I still have lots of personal work to do which may take at least another year. While I work hard to get to the good, healthy place I want to be, I want to take on some fun, positive challenges.
So, without further ado:
Resolution #1: This Spring, I plan to work through the entire house from bottom to top (most of our "junk" is stored in our basement), purging everything we deem as unnecessary (e.g., dishes we've never used in years and are likely never to use, candles we've never burned and are likely never to burn, clothes and toys that have not been worn or used in months, half-empty paint cans, decorations/knick-knacks/art we're likely never to put out/up again, etc.) In June, I will have a garage sale. Half the proceeds will be donated to a charity of our choice. Whatever is left after the garage sale will hopefully be donated. If I can't give the remainder away, it will be thrown.
Resolution # 2: Inspired by fellow bloggers, I will be taking on a 365 Photos in a Year challenge. I take way more photos than that in a year but I am going to attempt to take at least one picture every single day in 2012. Hopefully the photo I use for that day will be representative of the day in some way. Maybe it will just be something that caught my eye. Maybe something that moved me. I am stoked to get to carry my camera with me everywhere I go and work on bettering my photography skills.
Announcement # 2: In case you didn't notice, the Stewart Snippets are growing up. Couple that with the fact that my husband has a very strong opinion about what kinds of things are shared publicly, especially on the Internet since it's basically a record for all time, and you may notice some subtle changes on my blog in the coming months and years. A discussion was instigated this summer when I took what I thought were adorable pictures of Adam playing with a Tonka truck in the driveway while wearing Ryann's too-small pink ballet shoes. I wanted to post them on my blog and Stu protested, claiming that Adam might be embarrassed by them when he gets older. Since I respect my husband because he's wise, smart, makes good choices, and because I pledged to when we made a covenant of marriage with one another, I did not post the photos.
A couple nights ago, I sat down with the kids to show them what I thought were adorable photos of them participating in the church Christmas program and visiting with their cousin. When I got to the one of Max saying his "Hoo, hoo, hoo..." line and shrugging, I whooped, "There you are! Saying your line. Aren't you cute?!" He cringed and his face crumpled and said, "Stop Mom! You're embarrassing me!" Stu jumped right on it and asked whether Max was embarrassed because I was talking about the photo or because I'd posted it on Facebook. Max admitted that both were bothering him. Stu prodded him, "What do you think you should do if you are embarrassed by Mom posting pictures of you on the Internet?" Max turned to me and asked, "Mom, will you ask my permission before you post pictures of me on the Internet?" I have to be honest, I was more than a little crushed. First of all, I felt really bad that I'd made Max feel bad. Secondly, a mean little part of me felt a little mad that Stu pushed the issue since I have savored capturing stories and photos on my blog and felt sad that I will no longer get 100% control over what I post. HOWEVER, I maintain that I am also a wise, smart parent who makes good decisions. If I feel a photo/story about the kids is something that would plainly embarrass them or cause issues for them as adults, I would never post it. If I feel a story is something that might embarrass them a little now (or maybe even as an adult) but that they will cherish having been captured, I will still go ahead and post what I deem to be appropriate.
All that to say, you may notice that there are fewer goofy/silly/cutesy photos of Max on the blog in the future. Probably soon after that, those types of posts re: Ryann may drop off. Also, although I feel that I'm brave enough (or dumb enough?) to share with some forthrightness what really goes on in this family, my husband (and apparently eldest son) feels differently. As such, Stewart Snippets may seem like a rose-colored glasses representation of our life. But let it be known that it is not always sunshine and rainbows around here. But those kinds of Stewart skeletons will stay in our non-Internet closet.
Well, I'm at least going to make an attempt.
Announcement #1: I have a couple New Year's resolutions for 2012 that I'm excited about. I haven't made a New Year's resolution in several years because I couldn't think of something that I really wanted to commit to. This past year has been pretty rough on me and my family. We've had medical issues, financial issues, worries about family and friends. It's nothing compared to what some people have gone through, are going through, or may face in the future. But we all have our own burdens to bear.
I still have lots of personal work to do which may take at least another year. While I work hard to get to the good, healthy place I want to be, I want to take on some fun, positive challenges.
So, without further ado:
Resolution #1: This Spring, I plan to work through the entire house from bottom to top (most of our "junk" is stored in our basement), purging everything we deem as unnecessary (e.g., dishes we've never used in years and are likely never to use, candles we've never burned and are likely never to burn, clothes and toys that have not been worn or used in months, half-empty paint cans, decorations/knick-knacks/art we're likely never to put out/up again, etc.) In June, I will have a garage sale. Half the proceeds will be donated to a charity of our choice. Whatever is left after the garage sale will hopefully be donated. If I can't give the remainder away, it will be thrown.
Resolution # 2: Inspired by fellow bloggers, I will be taking on a 365 Photos in a Year challenge. I take way more photos than that in a year but I am going to attempt to take at least one picture every single day in 2012. Hopefully the photo I use for that day will be representative of the day in some way. Maybe it will just be something that caught my eye. Maybe something that moved me. I am stoked to get to carry my camera with me everywhere I go and work on bettering my photography skills.

A couple nights ago, I sat down with the kids to show them what I thought were adorable photos of them participating in the church Christmas program and visiting with their cousin. When I got to the one of Max saying his "Hoo, hoo, hoo..." line and shrugging, I whooped, "There you are! Saying your line. Aren't you cute?!" He cringed and his face crumpled and said, "Stop Mom! You're embarrassing me!" Stu jumped right on it and asked whether Max was embarrassed because I was talking about the photo or because I'd posted it on Facebook. Max admitted that both were bothering him. Stu prodded him, "What do you think you should do if you are embarrassed by Mom posting pictures of you on the Internet?" Max turned to me and asked, "Mom, will you ask my permission before you post pictures of me on the Internet?" I have to be honest, I was more than a little crushed. First of all, I felt really bad that I'd made Max feel bad. Secondly, a mean little part of me felt a little mad that Stu pushed the issue since I have savored capturing stories and photos on my blog and felt sad that I will no longer get 100% control over what I post. HOWEVER, I maintain that I am also a wise, smart parent who makes good decisions. If I feel a photo/story about the kids is something that would plainly embarrass them or cause issues for them as adults, I would never post it. If I feel a story is something that might embarrass them a little now (or maybe even as an adult) but that they will cherish having been captured, I will still go ahead and post what I deem to be appropriate.
All that to say, you may notice that there are fewer goofy/silly/cutesy photos of Max on the blog in the future. Probably soon after that, those types of posts re: Ryann may drop off. Also, although I feel that I'm brave enough (or dumb enough?) to share with some forthrightness what really goes on in this family, my husband (and apparently eldest son) feels differently. As such, Stewart Snippets may seem like a rose-colored glasses representation of our life. But let it be known that it is not always sunshine and rainbows around here. But those kinds of Stewart skeletons will stay in our non-Internet closet.