Second week; settling in

So, this week was just as frantic (if not more so, in its own way) as last week but Stu and I are in a little groove now.  We've figured out the schedule and things are swinging along pretty nicely. 

We have accepted the fact that for at least the next several months (or maybe more like several years), the house is going to be messy.

Stu usually takes care of packing bags up and prepping for the next day and I take care of unpacking and organizing what comes home from school. 

Stu is in charge of breakfast and I am in charge of dinners.

We both share dishes, laundry, bath and bed time routines, and caring for the dog.

This week, Adam started school:

Adam told me he was "SO ESSITED!!!" to go to school, on his first day and he loved the second day just as much

This boy knows how to sport a backpack that dangles to the back of his knees!

On his first day of school, Adam shared that he'd learned when he is finished with his snack, he is to put his napkin into his cup.
Ryann started dance this week (...again; she danced two years ago but took last year off to learn to ice skate) and Max is finishing up his first year of flag football.  Flag football is ever so cute to watch.

First, the team huddles up:
Max listens intently (sometimes...other times he runs around like a hooligan, but that's what football's all about, right?)
Then (Max was playing quarterback here), the ball is hiked!

Whoops, a little fumble but we're ok....

...and the pass!  Look how ESSITED that kid is to catch the ball!
Then they run their little buns down the field as fast as they can before someone on the opposing team can snatch one of their flapping yellow flags.

And when Max gets caught up in the sheer exhileration of it all, he does something......not sure what this is:

Here's a picture of Ryann, lest you think I lost one of my children in the shuffle.  She was dancing for Stu and me in the backyard a couple weeks ago.  Apparently, she'd set her glasses down somewhere:
We'll see what next week brings....


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