Not Me Monday

Joining, once again, the blog carnival hosted over at MckMama's blog.
It is definitely NOT ME who is such a lazy housekeeper that I am taking a vacation day from work this Friday to clean my house the day before our family birthday party for Ryann.
It must have been some sort of peacoat pocket fairy who stealthily hid my check card in my coat pocket because it certainly was NOT ME who went to Michael's today to buy cake decorations for Ryann's birthday cake and opened my planner only to find that my check card was missing. (I had a mild heart attack the whole drive home because I wore a different jacket today so had to go home to search for the missing card which has been missing since Saturday).
It was NOT ME who was daydreaming on the drive to drop Max at preschool this morning and drove right past the turn and had to backtrack. I'm not the kind of person who drives on autopilot and then looks around and thinks, "Where am I? And where was I supposed to be going?" especially when there is such precious cargo in the van.
What have you NOT been up to lately?