These are the Days of My Life

Most of my days consist of the mundane: get up, get kids ready, drop them at daycare, go to work, pick kids up from daycare, make dinner, play a little, give kids baths, read kids stories, tuck kids in, have some downtime with husband, go to bed.  Begin again.

But lots of my days; I would like to assert - more than the average amount of days(!) are quite "soap-opera-ish".  Today would fall under that category.  Days where I fulfill bridesmaid duties and have my purse stolen at the same time would also be filed under that category.  Back to today.  Today, I met my long-lost half sister for lunch.  We recently reconnected through (of all things) Facebook.  I filled her in on our family - which cousins were married and had kids; which cousins were divorced; the health of our grandparents; our stepmother (her half-stepmother??); my children, my husband, my job.  It was wild.  I felt like there should have been a camera crew.


Sheri, I was wondering how your meet-up went! Sounds like it was entertaining at least. :)

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