Something old, something new, something, stolen...
Sadly, I will not be able to post any of the beautiful and fun pictures I captured at the groom's dinner and wedding I was in this weekend. My gorgeous cousin (who is like a sister to me) married a wonderful man on Saturday and during the ceremony, some horrible person went into the room where the bridesmaids and bride had dressed and stole my purse from under my shawl. Thank goodness they didn't steal the shawl because I'd borrowed it from a friend! I am just now able to talk about what happened without crying. This is the second time in 10 years I've had my purse stolen and it was even more awful this time. The last time my purse was stolen, I was in college and I was "held up" at gunpoint in a parking lot near a bar where I'd just celebrated my 21st birthday. The robber managed to get about $20 in cash, my credit/check cards, my check book, my ID, my social security card (yes, I was stupid to carry that in my purse) and my cell phone. This time, I was robbed of my beloved digital camera, my cell phone, my planner, all of my credit/check cards, my checkbooks, several membership cards, my library card, several gift cards, my lipstick, probably a stray Nuk and old church bulletins and pantiliners and ZERO dollars. I no longer carry much cash after getting robbed the first time. It's much easier to cancel credit cards and put holds on checking accounts than to bear the thought that you've just lost a bunch of cash. So, ultimately, this thief made off with all kinds of things that were of priceless value to me and got NOTHING of value to them. I was so upset that I ended up leaving my cousin's reception quite early. I couldn't enjoy myself. I was still sick to my stomach this morning. But my wonderful, supportive husband took me to the mall and bought me a new cell phone and then to Target to get a new planner and a purse. It will take months to reassemble my planner with the birthdays and other appointments I'd had noted in it, to add all of my contact numbers back into my cell phone (I was unable to retrieve them from the T-mobile website) and I'll never get my photos that captured my memories of my "sister's" big day back. The best I can hope for is that eventually I'll be able to forgive and forget and move on. Here is a picture of my cousin-in-law Maria, my cousin Brittany (the bride), and me on the night of Brittany's bachelorette party:
