Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week...except MckMama didn't write her own Not Me! this week so you'll just have to check out everyone else's...
I most certainly did not put my daughter in a time out in the corner last Tuesday and then use the door next to her corner, not realize that she stuck her finger in between the door and the frame, and then proceed to accidentally slam her pointer finger in the door. There went five years of my life!
I definitely did not tell my husband that I had changed my mind and no longer really wanted my five year old to play hockey because I am worried about the cost and time commitment as they get older, but then when the opportunity unexpectedly arose for him to begin playing hockey THIS YEAR, get all excited and giddy and ask my husband for a tutorial on how to dress hockey players in all their gear.
I would never snicker at my young, budding hockey player when he stood in the living room with his new athletic supporter and "nut cup" on singing, "My nut cup, my nut cup, my nut cup!" and banging himself in the "nut cup" with his closed fists.
And I would definitely not find it hilarious that my three and a half year old daughter offered to punch her older brother in the "nut cup" to make sure it worked ok. (I did not let the hilarity show for my kids, just felt it on the inside - truly this time, that's why it's in parantheses).
What kinds of things have NOT being going on in your lives lately?