My youngest child, a little boy who wants to be a scientist when he grows up, turns five tomorrow. And I keep crying about it. I was SO ready to be done with the newborn crying and the toddler tantrums and the potty training and the sleepless nights and suddenly, it's here and I'm NOT READY.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - after surviving raising three children from baby-dom to school age, I want to go back knowing what I know now and do it again so I can really savor it, drink it in, and enjoy all of it instead of freaking out about a lot of it. Don't you hate it when people with grown children tell you over and over, "It goes so fast!". Well, I'm here to tell you as a young mother with still-young children, it's true. All the stressful moments of having a baby in a highchair in a restaurant and three kids who needed to be in carts at the same time at Target seem like distant dreams I once had.
The crying started when I signed Adam up for Kindergarten in February and continued when I got the last statement from Adam's preschool. I should have been rejoicing about not having to pay the monthly bill for preschool anymore but instead my eyes welled up and I thought about how I'll never again take my own child's little hand and guide them into a school room with tiny tables and chairs and toilets that are about 3 inches from the ground.
I started participating in a family blog around the time Adam was born and shortly thereafter started writing Stewart Snippets. All of my photos from years of blogging are saved behind the scenes here (I hope!)...let's see what I can dig up:
Here's Adam in preschool last year |
Here's Adam with his precious great-grandma |
A fresh newborn! |
Not so sure about this big sister and big brother business! |
I now declare May 15, 2013 national "Hug your Baby" day!! Quick, snuggle them while they're tiny because 5 year old snuggles are awesome but they're just not the same.
I love you, Adam!!! Happy 5th Birthday!!!