I've been extra, uber busy the past four months or so but it's high time to check in with the blogosphere. Especially because Adam had a checkup recently. And it was a-ma-zing! I absolutely love Dr. B. He was practically dancing around the exam room at the University of Minnesota, singing out to me that Adam had the most lovely looking optic nerves he'd seen in a while (?!). Adam's vision has improved and there are no signs of glaucoma or any other issues. He needs a new prescription but not desperately so we'll wait until insurance will cover it in June at which time we'll let him pick out new frames, too.
The cause of my uber busyness is a some new business I've gotten myself into. I couldn't just stop at fostering dogs....instead I decided to form my own non-profit corporation. I launched Diamonds in the Ruff (www.diamondsintheruffmn.org) in February of this year and it's going amazingly well. I've made tons of new friends and contacts, am currently 501(c)(3)-pending, and have helped SIX wonderful dogs so far:
Shadow |
Asscher |
Solitaire |
Daisy |
Clarity |
Joey |
Running my own business in addition to working 32 hours a week in addition to being a full time mom has been extremely time consuming, stressful, harrying, and incredibly fulfilling and wonderful and I feel a little like an addict. While fostering a dog, I long for the days when I can sleep in and not worry about how best to work with any issues and why hardly anyone seems to be inquiring about said dog. Yet the minute someone is adopted out, I'm on the Internet searching for the next dog to help. It's the best kind of crack, I guess.
I have loved this year of school. Having Max in second grade, Ryann in first grade, and Adam in his last year of preschool has been super fun. All of them are at great ages/stages. They all eat pretty much like normal people, sleep like normal people, joke like normal people, tell stories like normal people, listen like normal people (sort of) and are usually very well behaved (
usually). The days of all four of us crying in the mornings while trying to get ready to leave the house seem so distant now.
A couple things I'd like to remember about this time in our lives are:
1. Adam is starting to enunciate his th's, l's, and r's and they don't all sound like w's anymore (happy and sad about this)
2. Adam LOVES preschool and for some reason, LOVES the receptionist at the church that houses his preschool. He likes to make her special cards during school and drop them off for her as we're leaving the building.
3. Ryann is turning into a mini-woman. She tells me about the excitement and drama of the day and shares things she's learned. I am so blessed to have a daughter.
4. Max is growing up too and has started using words like "boss" and "cra-cra". Teenager-dom seems right around the corner (yikes!).