Headline! Sheri is maybe, sort of, kind of, dabbling in a new artistic outlet, part-time, paying gig called photography.
Update! Max made it all the way to first grade before learning the word F-U-C-K.
Last weekend while I was engaging in the above-described new hobby, Stu raked the backyard with the kids. Suddenly, Max yelled from across the yard, "Hey Dad! What do you get when you combine farm and muck?" Stu absentmindedly (probably...I wasn't there, so I'm imagining the scenario) responded, "What?" and Max bellows from across the yard, "FUCK!" Stu got a little more interested then and said, "What?! What did you just say?" Max gamely responded, "Get it?! You switch the 'M' with the 'F' in muck and get FUCK!" So Stu and Max had a little heart-to-heart about where Max might have heard this little "joke" and the inappropriateness of the word and we haven't heard it since. I'm guessing we'll hear it from him again some time in the future...
Can you imagine that word coming out of this sweet mouth? |
No surprise here! Adam said something outrageously funny this week.
Deanna invited the kids and me to her church for a Men's Group spaghetti supper on Monday evening. Since Stu had conferences that night, I thought it was a great way to get the kids fed without having to cook all by myself (for about the 450th time during a football season). I talked to the kids during the car ride over, reminding them about polite table manners and asking them to please walk nicely, talk quietly, and just have general nice behavior. But as soon as we got into the church and they saw Robb and Brayden (Deanna's husband and oldest son), their well-meant promises flew right out the stained-glass windows. They were running around, giggling, shoving, and showing off. I managed to get Max and Ryann settled down fairly quickly but Adam continued to do weird three year old boy stuff like flop onto the ground, run into walls, and touch and pull at everything within his reach. As I walked down the hall with Deanna on my left and Adam on my right, tugging gently on his left hand to pull his body away from the wall and the whatever-he-was-touching-at-the-moment, I muttered, "I should have brought your straightjacket", hoping to make Deanna chuckle. Radar-ears boy heard me though, leaned forward to look past me and appraise Deanna and then proclaimed, "Yeah, your boobs
are poking out of your shirt a little" in sincere, sweet baby talk. Deanna and I laughed so hard, I was bent over struggling to breathe and Deanna actually fell to her knees with mirth. Then Adam started to laugh, figuring he'd come up with something really clever. I have NO idea what on earth the boy thinks a straightjacket is but apparently it's NOT a "curvy" jacket.
Yep, he's hilar and he knows it. |
Developing story! Ryann says she didn't get a tummy ache this week while working on important projects at school, and continues to be our little rhinocerous dreamer.
I've been just a teensy bit worried about Ryann since the beginning of the school year. She absolutely adored her first week of Kindergarten but after that, didn't have much to say about it when asked. And when she did share stories, they were sometimes about how she felt nervous and got tummy aches when working on projects that she really wanted to do well at. When asked why she thought her tummy hurt, she explained that it was because she so wanted to do her work right and worried that she wouldn't. My goodness, I guess my perfectionist genes are already being expressed in the poor gal. So I was very happy when I asked her how her day was at dinner last night and she leaned towards me and pressed her nose and forehead to mine and breathed, "Guess what? My tummy did NOT hurt while I was doing my art project today!"
Happy Ryann, wanting to be photographed |
Unhappy Ryann, not wanting to be photographed |
And Ryann's personality pendulum continues to swing from a sweet, caring, doting, loving, funny, charming girl to a rampaging, sassy, hissing, mini-teenager. The other day, I asked her to please finish getting dressed for school and she called out, dripping with sarcasm, "What do you
think I'm
doing?!" Once again, I'm guessing we'll hear that from her again some time in the future....