Arts and Crafts Corner
Here are a few of my favorite art projects Max and Ryann have completed in the past couple months:

Ok - this project that Max recently came home with is one of my all-time faves so far! He had to come up with and draw a picture to represent each letter of the alphabet. Stu and I were cracking each other up trying to decipher some of his artwork. I sat down with Max tonight to get the real story on what each of these are....
A - apple
B - bee
C - siren (I explained to him that siren starts with an "s" and he was disappointed)
D - dungeon
E - egg
F - flower
G - jacket (again, he was disappointed to learn that jacket begins with "j" and not "g")
H - house
I - igloo
J - jar
K - kite
L - ladder
M - mountain
N - nest
O - oval
P - pipe
Q - quilt
R - rainbow
S - street
T - turtle
U - umbrella
V - violin (Adam looked at it and guessed it was a "strum")
W - watermelon
X - X-ray
Y - yo-yo
Z - no picture for Z - I asked why and he just said, I didn't draw anything for Z
I may have already posted this one before but I can't remember. The butterfly's wings are Ryann's shoe prints - isn't that cute?! |
Max brought this one home from school when they were working on perspective (I think that's what it's called) and I especially loved the little pine trees. |
Ryann made this little pillow at preschool on "Pajama Day". Is that a cute project or what?! Her teachers are ever-so-creative! |
I really love this large and colorful rainbow Ryann painted at preschool recently. |
Ok - this project that Max recently came home with is one of my all-time faves so far! He had to come up with and draw a picture to represent each letter of the alphabet. Stu and I were cracking each other up trying to decipher some of his artwork. I sat down with Max tonight to get the real story on what each of these are....
A - apple
B - bee
C - siren (I explained to him that siren starts with an "s" and he was disappointed)
D - dungeon
E - egg
F - flower
G - jacket (again, he was disappointed to learn that jacket begins with "j" and not "g")
H - house
I - igloo
J - jar
K - kite
L - ladder
M - mountain
N - nest
O - oval
P - pipe
Q - quilt
R - rainbow
S - street
T - turtle
U - umbrella
V - violin (Adam looked at it and guessed it was a "strum")
W - watermelon
X - X-ray
Y - yo-yo
Z - no picture for Z - I asked why and he just said, I didn't draw anything for Z