Hooray for taking notes

I did a good job of taking notes of the funny Snippets that were swarming around here like a passel of hungry rodents (more on that later) and have lots of cute, funny, and notable things to share.

First off - Max was in the bathroom brushing his teeth tonight and exclaimed with his fists balled up and hopping up and down a little, "I can't WAIT for school tomorrow!!!"  He also said, while getting ready to go to church this morning that he wished today was Monday so that it was a school day.  I am so happy!  I so want my kids to love school as much as I did!!  Just now, I went in to the boys' room to get Adam after he was bellowing, "I have to go poop!  I have to go poop!" after I'd already tucked the boys in.  Max called me over and whispered, "Guess what, Mom?  I get to ready with my 'buddy' tomorrow!"  I asked who his buddy was and he said he thought it was either a sixth, seventh, or eighth grader from school.  How neat!!

Let's see - one notable but not so cute or funny Snippet from this weekend - Ryann got a serious yelling-at after she walloped Max across the back with his metal driver (golf club).  I was absolutely livid.  Stu told me later that earlier that day, while I was attending my half-sister's baby shower, that Ryann had close-fist punched Max in the face.  I'm not quite sure why she was so violent yesterday.  Today she was sweet as strawberry pie.  I fell asleep on the couch in the early afternoon and I woke to Ryann tucking stuffed bunnies and bears under my arms and around my neck so that I had "things to cuddle" while I slept.

Now we're gettin' to the good stuff.  The Stewart family (minus Stu since he was at the football coaches' meeting) supper tonight was rife with hilarity.  I asked Ryann if she remembered that tomorrow was "cooking" day at school.  Both Ryann and Max get super excited about cooking day because Max did cooking in preschool last year and we've quickly come to the conclusion that they will be cooking the same recipes this year as they did last year.  Each week, they cook something that begins with the letter of the alphabet for the week.  They started with A and made "Apple Smileys", last week they made "Bubbles".  Max still remembers every single recipe from last year so when Ryann gave a little fist pump about cooking tomorrow he asked, "What letter is it tomorrow?  C?"  When Ryann confirmed, he said with much glee and a huge smile on his face, "Ok, Ry - it's gonna be Caramel Corn tomorrow.  Tell Ms. Bonnie and Ms. Janie that you already know it's going to be Caramel Corn.  Remind me in the morning and I'll tell you again so you don't forget."  Ryann excitedly agreed and asked, "Pinky swear?!" and held out her pinky to be sworn.

Max was sitting on his knees part of the time at the dinner table tonight and then he began to shift around uncomfortably and say ow, ow.  I asked him if his feet were asleep and he thought about it for a minute and then asked, "When it feels like a bunch of little men are shooting you?  Is that when your feet are asleep?"  Yup, that's it I told him.

It makes me smile that we had chicken enchiladas, tortilla chips, and yogurt for dinner tonight and Adam was the only one of the three kids who asked to share the salsa I was using on my tortilla chips.  He's had salsa and chips before at restaurants and the kid actually likes the stuff.  Tonight he kept passing his chips over to me and asking me to dunk them in the salsa for him.  I don't actually scoop many of the veggies up; it's usually just a thin coating of the "sauce" of the salsa. 

Adam started in his two-year-old Sunday School class this morning.  When I got there to pick him up, his teacher handed me a piece of paper he'd colored and told me she'd asked each of the kids what their favorite thing was and then asked them to draw it.  Apparently his scribbles were "food".

Right after supper, Ryann told me she had a cut on one of her fingers and asked for a Band-aid.  I got a Band-aid from the cupboard and asked her to hold the injured finger out.  She stuck out her middle finger and as I prepared to bandage it up, she suddenly assured me, "Don't worry, I'm not really saying that I don't like God".  I asked her what on earth she was talking about and she explained that just because she was holding out her middle finger, she didn't really mean to say that she didn't like God, it was just that's where her owie was.  I asked her what made her think that holding out her middle finger meant something like that and she told me that Max had held out his middle finger and Olyvia (Deanna's middle daughter) had informed them all that it was a naughty word.  I called Max upstairs and flipped him the bird.  "What does that mean?" I asked him.  He practically dragged his toe around in a circle with his hands clasped behind his back and looked sheepish and answered, "I don't know".  I couldn't get him to admit anything about it but explained to both of the older two kids that showing someone your middle finger was a very rude gesture and essentially meant that you thought the person you were showing it to was really terrible.  Ryann was very excited saying, "I knew it.  I KNEW it was a bad thing!" and smiling proudly.  I asked them, "Ok, do you understand?"  Max was looking around distractedly but answered yes.  So I asked him, "What does holding up your middle finger mean, Max?"  He answered, "Congestion?"  It took me a minute to figure out that out of my entire speech, the only word he'd caught was "gesture" and then he hadn't even remembered it correctly.  I repeated a condensed version of the speech and now just have to hope that my kids aren't the kind that are going to run to school to proudly share their naughty knowledge.

And finally, regarding my comment about rodents above....sigh....Stu and I have thrown down the gauntlet and are waging war on a rodent infestation we discovered in our garage.  We found a couple mice in there over the last week or two but had no idea just how bad the problem had become until we did a little more thorough investigating.  We put out two traps on Friday night and caught three mice!  We took everything out of the garage on Saturday afternoon and around the entire inner perimeter of the garage, we found a one-foot wide path of almost solid mouse droppings and grass seed because they'd chewed open some bags of seed we had on a shelf in the garage.  EWWWWWW!  We set more traps last night and put out poison in one corner of the garage as well as up in the attic above the garage since I swear I heard someone chewing something above my head, in the ceiling, on Friday night.  We caught three more mice last night.  Every time I go out in the garage, I hear little feet running to hide.  I am worried that the problem is out of control so I called two pest control companies this weekend and am anxiously awaiting a call back tomorrow.


Your kids are so funny. I wonder if they will be flipping people off now. :)

And eek on the mice! That is tough!

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