In addition to Max's numerous talents, I think he may well have a bit of a photographer's eye. I was very impressed with these photos he snapped today:
I LOVE this one; the photo almost looks like Ryann could reach out and touch you, with her hair flying around like that. Doesn't look like a picture, more like real life. |
So interesting to see the world from a five year old's eye level
Ryann headed off to her first day of preschool for the year. The way she told it to Grammie on the phone this evening, she had a ball but being the overly-analytical, sometimes critical Mommy that I can be, I was worried. She looked around the room after we walked in, didn't see anyone she remembered as a good buddy from last year and quietly sat at a table to play by herself. When I arrived to pick her up two hours later (thank goodness for a flexible job so I got to do this today!), she looked like she was having fun in the "gym" but, again, was playing all alone. I was really sad, at first, that she hadn't connected with someone immediately. But after I thought about it some, I realized no one makes immediate friends in a situation like that. Especially someone who's only been alive for 4.5 years and has nearly no social skills. She'll make friends soon enough, just like last year. Listening to her regurgitate her day to Grammie over the phone tonight made me feel much better. Her piping little bird's voice chirped, "First we played a little, then we had snack and it was pretzels, then we played a little in the gym, and then our mommies and daddies came to pick us up!"
Ryann with her "cubby bucket" |