Snippets of Sheri+Stu
Stu (his real name is John, but I've called him by his nickname since we met) and I have been together for just over 14 years! Almost half my life. When we first met, we were young, dumb teenagers yet somehow we made our relationship work and I'm proud that we did it right. There have been minor bumps along our way but nothing earth shattering. I keep thinking that I cannot possibly love my husband any more than I do right this moment and then my heart proves me wrong. He's going to be a very well loved old man if our relationship keeps growing and improving as it has for the last nearly decade and a half.
Here's a little glimpse into our loooong ago beginnings.

Now, prepare yourselves for more sappiness.
Written last night while I couldn't sleep at about 3:30 a.m.:
Oh, how I love this man
I have not words to say
This love that I have for him
Deepens every day
Without my husband,
I am half of me
An incomplete whole
Before we drew our first breaths,
The Lord's Plan joined us,
soul to soul
Neither of us would be
who we are today
without the other's
love we've had
to guide us on our way
Here's a little glimpse into our loooong ago beginnings.
This is probably one of the first pictures taken of the two of us together. I asked Stu to the Sadie's dance after meeting him in the Fall of 1995. I cut this out to fit in a heart shaped photo frame I had back then.
This was in the Spring of 1996 at Stu's Senior Prom. Look closely - he's wearing sandals with that cowboy hat and tux.
Here's us being photographed before leaving for my Senior Prom in 1997. Stu was in college by then but attended the Prom with me anyway. I'm looking a little gaunt here but I have eaten like a heifer all of my life. Just had the metabolism of a gazelle in high school. Too bad that didn't last.
Believe it or not, this is only a few months later, the summer before I went to college. You'll notice that Stu and I change our hairstyles a lot. Yep, Stu's got long, blonde hair that's in a little ponytail in this photo. Isn't that couch awesome? It was at our friend's cabin. We all referred to it as the "porn couch".

Here we are with my hair growing out and I've definitely gained the Freshman 15 at this point!
One year after I graduated from college, we were married. And it's been bliss ever since (well, mostly).
Now, prepare yourselves for more sappiness.
Written last night while I couldn't sleep at about 3:30 a.m.:
Oh, how I love this man
I have not words to say
This love that I have for him
Deepens every day
Without my husband,
I am half of me
An incomplete whole
Before we drew our first breaths,
The Lord's Plan joined us,
soul to soul
Neither of us would be
who we are today
without the other's
love we've had
to guide us on our way
I'm not actually FROM Hayward - my dad grew up going there from the time he was a kid. And so when HE had kids he brought us there.
My folks live there now, they moved there when my dad retired. And so I HAD to have my wedding there.
And it seems EVERYONE from MN, WI and IL knows SOMEONE from Hayward. That town is so well known!!