Mid-January Snippets
Max asked the other day, "Mom, when I'm done with hockey, will you and Dad sign me up for karate? When I grow up, I want to be a warrior and battle evil villians." Well of course, who doesn't?!
The difference between boys and girls:
At Ryann's dance school's winter recital today, eating a snack in the lobby during the intermission, Ryann turned to me and said, "Mommy, do you remember when that lady took your purse?" I said, "Yeah, I remember that." She said, "That was so naughty!" I said, "It sure was". Ryann said, "Mom, you really should have been holding on to your purse." I said, "Boy are you right. Or I should have locked it up somewhere safe". Max pipes up, "You really should have had laser lights around your purse. Those would have blown anyone up who tried to take it". Indeed.
Some pictures of Max playing hockey:

"Yeah, I'm naked. With a hat on. That's how I roll."
The difference between boys and girls:
At Ryann's dance school's winter recital today, eating a snack in the lobby during the intermission, Ryann turned to me and said, "Mommy, do you remember when that lady took your purse?" I said, "Yeah, I remember that." She said, "That was so naughty!" I said, "It sure was". Ryann said, "Mom, you really should have been holding on to your purse." I said, "Boy are you right. Or I should have locked it up somewhere safe". Max pipes up, "You really should have had laser lights around your purse. Those would have blown anyone up who tried to take it". Indeed.
Some pictures of Max playing hockey:
Max reports he would like to play goalie. Admirable, right? He wants to make certain the other team doesn't score any points. Nope, not so much. He likes to stand in the goal so he "doesn't have to skate around so much and get so sweaty".
In our kitchen, we have a butcher block between our stove and refrigerator. On our butcher block resides our toaster. On our refrigerator, we have many magnets advertising, among other things, the places we've traveled. We often let our children stand on a kitchen chair and help cook at the butcher block. Tonight, while Stu was making pancakes and sausages for "breakfast for dinner", Adam was "helping" him cook. Really he was just watching...we thought. Stu announced it was time to sit up to dinner so I went to take Adam from the kitchen chair and buckle him in his booster seat at the table. When I walked back to get the chair he had been standing on, I noticed the toaster was down, the orange lights were glowing, and something seemed to be making a tiny hissing sound inside. I asked Stu, "Are you making something in the toaster?" as I leaned over on tiptoe to look inside. Stu answered, "No" and I said, "It appears Adam was making toasted magnet as a side for his dinner."
Notice the fantastic bubbling effect Adam induced on the right side.
I guess I should have known Adam would continue with his hijinks today after I found him this way this morning:
"Yeah, I'm naked. With a hat on. That's how I roll."