Tuesday Snippets
As a follow up to an earlier post -- I spoke with the woman in charge of the Gifted and Talented program for the Roseville school district yesterday. She suggested that Max's only option at this point would be to skip Kindergarten and begin first grade next year. Neither Stu nor I think that is a good option for Max. We would not want him to be the youngest boy in his grade all through school. Additionally, while we believe he may be ahead of the game academically already, we're certain that he is very average when it comes to his emotional and social development. Kindergarten will be very good for Max. Hopefully he will continue to learn to interact with his peers and manage his emotions when life doesn't go exactly how he wants it to. On top of that, the G and T woman explained that even if we felt that was what we wanted for Max, an assessment would have to be completed but that would occur after he'd already started Kindergarten and his teacher had gotten a chance to know him. Some good information she provided was that Parkview Center School where we are most likely going to enroll Max for Kindergarten has a higher than usual number of Gifted and Talented students (about 28%) and I believe the state average is 10% of a student population in one school. Because of this, Parkview is well versed in working with G and T students and has programs in place, beginning in Kindergarten, for students whose abilities are identified to be above average. If we don't push for an assessment prior to third grade, all students at Parkview are assessed in third grade automatically to determine if they should be formally labeled as "Gifted/Talented".
Ryann told me this weekend that she wanted to be in a movie, like the ones in the movie "featers"....I knew she was going to grow up to be an actress!
When one of the kids or I tell Adam to "spit out that Nuk-y" (usually in a sing-song voice), he launches the Nuk across the room with a "pftuy!" It's pretty hilarious.
Adam now says:
- "thank you" which sounds like "eh-ooh"
-"Hello" which sounds like "Heh-whoa"
- "Dada" which sounds like "Duh-duh"
- "Uh-oh"
and sometimes says things that sound like "please" and "mama". He waves bye-bye and hello. He has pretty much mastered walking and is starting to try to run (uh-oh). And he definitely understands 90% of what we are saying. He is starting to point to more body parts when prompted and follows most directions (i.e. - Adam, can you please take this bowl to the kitchen for me?). I know I shouldn't be wishing for my last baby to grow up any faster but I am very anxious for Adam to start talking more. I just can't wait to hear what he has to say.
The kids have their last swim lesson for this session next Monday. Max has his heart set on passing from Level 1 to Level 2. This is the second time he's taken Level 1 so I'm really hoping he'll pass. He knew what kinds of things he needed to do to pass (put his face under the water, jump into the water off the edge to the waiting instructor, etc.) and he assures us that he has worked hard and is going to pass. Here's hoping!
What would a blog post be with no pictures? Here are some that I really like. One is of my friend's daughter on Halloween and one is of my bathroom faucet :)

Ryann told me this weekend that she wanted to be in a movie, like the ones in the movie "featers"....I knew she was going to grow up to be an actress!
When one of the kids or I tell Adam to "spit out that Nuk-y" (usually in a sing-song voice), he launches the Nuk across the room with a "pftuy!" It's pretty hilarious.
Adam now says:
- "thank you" which sounds like "eh-ooh"
-"Hello" which sounds like "Heh-whoa"
- "Dada" which sounds like "Duh-duh"
- "Uh-oh"
and sometimes says things that sound like "please" and "mama". He waves bye-bye and hello. He has pretty much mastered walking and is starting to try to run (uh-oh). And he definitely understands 90% of what we are saying. He is starting to point to more body parts when prompted and follows most directions (i.e. - Adam, can you please take this bowl to the kitchen for me?). I know I shouldn't be wishing for my last baby to grow up any faster but I am very anxious for Adam to start talking more. I just can't wait to hear what he has to say.
The kids have their last swim lesson for this session next Monday. Max has his heart set on passing from Level 1 to Level 2. This is the second time he's taken Level 1 so I'm really hoping he'll pass. He knew what kinds of things he needed to do to pass (put his face under the water, jump into the water off the edge to the waiting instructor, etc.) and he assures us that he has worked hard and is going to pass. Here's hoping!
What would a blog post be with no pictures? Here are some that I really like. One is of my friend's daughter on Halloween and one is of my bathroom faucet :)
