
I am too mad to sleep. So, I'll try to do something constructive rather than sit and stew.

I've been meaning to turn my little notebook of cute and memorable kid moments I keep in the living room, under the coffee table, into an electronic record. This may be a long post. Here goes:

September 2, 2006

Max is almost 21 months old and can almost count to 10 on his own. Sometimes, he needs a reminder about which number comes next. He pronounces "7" as "seb-ben". It's very cute. He often skips the numbers 6 and 8.

Since 15 months, Max has had an explosion in talking. Prior to that, I don't think he had any real words. Since 19 or 20 months, he's even been saying 2-3 word sentences. Now, he sometimes says 4-5 word sentences (but not in perfect order or with good grammar).

pan-pake = pancake
Roppo = Rosko
Rynann = Ryann
stairs = downstairs
side = outside
foo fee = excuse me
Ninni and then Niggi = Nikki
meeyoo = milk
ceweal meeyoo = cold cereal with milk

Ryann 6 months

Ryann's being saying "ma-ma-ma-ma" a lot

September 4, 2006

Ryann made the "pirate" face today, that Max used to make when he was a little older than this. Max used to wrinkle his nose, scrunch one eye shut and sniff in and out of his nose quickly a few times in a row. Ryann did the same thing only she squinched both eyes nearly shut. I got it on tape. I need to try to take a picture so I can frame it with the picture I took of Max doing it!

September 10, 2006

Max says "copper" for helicopter. Stu asked him where it was today and he said, "High up in sky".

Max talked on the phone with Grammie this morning and actually had a real conversation. She asked him what he had for breakfast and he said "ceweal-mewk". She asked him what that sound was and he sad "Puggle, feet". He was standing on a puzzle that makes the appropriate vehicle noise when you put the piece in. She asked him where Ryann was and he said "nap time".

Ryann is a little move and shaker lately. She rolls over and over all the way across the room sometimes.

Max and Ryann played together today after dinner tonight for about 10 minutes while I did the dishes! I asked Max to go play with Ryann and get her some toys and he did! He kept looking in her toy basket and bringing her things and saying, "Here Rynann".

October 16, 2006

Ryann stays on her hands and knees and rocks for a few mins. if you put her in that position. She's practicing screaming for fun. She's eating more and more table food - cottage cheese, canned peas, crackers, she LOVES Cheerios.

Max had two "naughty" reports at the Null's last week. He spent a whole nap time unraveling a cassette tape he pulled from the CD player near his Pack and Play and threw the Duplo box across the room when he was upset about having to clean up.

He says "loo me" for "look at me" when he wants to show you something he's doing

Nikki = Nikki
counting = saying "4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10"

When he wants what someone else is getting he says, "Too?" like "Me too?"

Max was helping me put Ryann's dirty clothes down the laundry chute after her bath. The pile included a full size towel. H was pushing and grunting and then said, "Too bic, too bic!!" I asked him, "Too big? Should Mommy help?" and he said, "Yes, too bic Mommy"

Fwimming = Swimming

November 6, 2006

Tonight Max was playing with "Hokey Pokey Elmo". Elmo said, "I'm pooped" after dancing the Hokey Pokey and was then silent. Max laid Elmo down on his back and was poking around between his legs. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "Looking poop". Stu and I laughed out loud!

Ryann's still not crawling but seems close and is practicing moving and reaching around more from a sitting position and then getting back to the sitting position.

November 25, 2006

Ryann is almost crawling on hands and knees. She gets everywhere she wants by army crawling and every once in a while gets on hands and knees and takes a few crawling "steps". We think she may be teething. She's had a little runny nose for three days and has been a little fussy. No fever and poops are a little mushy.

She's pretty much on all table food now. She loves everything - canned veggies, steamed fruit, cheese, cottage cheese, bread, bagels, Cheerios!, crackers.

Ben Wackman came to play last night. He and Max play so well together. They had a lot of fun. We ordered pizza and watched the Prep Bowl finals. I got sick to my stomach after they left.

Max is such a good boy! Yesterday, he was eating Cheez-its in a bowl. I was giving Ryann a bottle. Max walked over towards his Little People farm and I couldn't see him but heard him dump the Cheez-its into something. Then he brought me the empty bowl and said, "Here Mommy". I thought he'd dumped the Cheez-its into a toy so I said, "No Max, go put your Cheez-its back in the bowl." He said, "OK" and wen and picked up what I now was was a "tainer" (tupperware container) from Deanna's and dumped his Cheez-its from there back into his bowl. I said, "Oh honey, I didn't realize that's what you put them in. You can have them in there". He was excited and dumped the Cheez-its back into the "tainer".

December 16, 2006

Today is the day of Max's birthday party. He is very excited. He got his gift from the Null's yesterday and was almost as excited about the tissue paper as he was about his Thomas video and Ryan's Room Noah's Ark. He was so sweet!

Ryann is crawling like a pro, pulling up to standing and, all of a sudden, getting from all fours to sitting! I've been waiting and waiting to see that and just now she did it with such ease that it seems she's been doing it for weeks. But I've truly never seen her do it before!

February 10, 2007

For the last few weeks, Max has LOVED the show "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" on the Disney channel.

May 3, 2007

Talking to Max is almost like talking to a little adult now. He's hilarious! Lately, he's been calling all bugs (including ants) "spiderwebs" but he pronounces it "fiderwep". He's a little "fared" of these "fiderweps". Most other words he pronounces pretty clearly.

Yesterday we drove past Cedarholm Golf Course on our way to the bank. Max said, "I want to play golf". "I will play golf when I get big and have strong muscles". Then, this morning, Stu got him out of his crib and asked him if he wanted breakfast. Max said, "Yes, I have to eat breakfast to get big and have strong muscles to play golf."

Ryann stared walking about a week and a half ago. She had been cruising for months and would walk holding on to only one of our hands so one day last week, I stood her up, steadied her, and said, "Go Ryann, you can walk, I know you can" and she walked about 5 steps down the hall! She's still pretty unsteady but learned in about a week now to stand up from sitting and she's starting to walk more than crawl now. Her only clear word is "Uh-oh" but she's clearly said, "kitty" twice when she saw one on TV and says stuff like "Ee oo" for "thank you" and "see see" for "excuse me". No "ma-ma" or "da-da" yet. Ryann still loves music and dancing and now sometimes "sings". She sleeps from 6:45-7:00 at night until 7:00-7:30 in the morning and usually takes one 3-4 hour nap in the afternoon but still sometimes takes two 2 hour naps. She gets mad at things and bites them when she's frustrated but hasn't really started biting people yet. Maybe she never will!

May 7, 2007

I explained to Max this morning that I was sending a borrowed jacket back to the Bobbe's because it wasn't winter anymore, it was summer, well, spring actually. He asked, "Can I run through the frinkle?" I said, "You want to run through the sprinkler?" and he smiled and said, "Yes!" How does he know about this stuff?!

Then, a little while later, a male and female duck waddled through our front yard. I picked Max up so he could see them through the window. He said, "What? What is it?" I said, "Look, it's a mommy and daddy duck!" He said, "They must be looking for their baby to give him a hug". Too sweet!!

July 17, 2007

Ryann is still saying "Uh-oh" and now says "no", "daddy", "hi" frequently and rarely says "down", "ee-oo" (thank you), "bee-dee" (birdie), "ma-ma", she's said "Roppo, Roppo, woof, woof" for Rosko. I forgot - she calls Ellie "E" and says that all the time. I'm anxiously waiting for her to start talking more. She's currently cutting all four molars and an ear infection is just clearing up so she's been pretty miserable for the past few weeks. BUT she has been sleeping perfectly at night and for naps.

Tonight, Stu and I took the kids to Champps for dinner. The hostess greeted us and said hi to Max. Max said, "Hi. I'm going to wear my bear costume and Ryann's going to be a flower girl". It took me a second to realize he thinks being a ring bearer means he's going to wear a bear suit!! When we got home, we showed him his suit and Stu explained to him he's going to be the "Ring Guy" and Ryann's going to be the "Flower Girl". I think he gets it now.

Max LOVES The Little Einsteins

January 11, 2009

Ryann calls chapstick or lipstick "nap-stick" and calls conditioner (for her hair) "iss-ner".

Max just turned four and went through a crabby few months period but has been SO good for over a week.

Ryann will be 3 in March and has been talking like a prop since age 2. She is going through a defiant, sassy period but can also be SO good. She and I started swimming together yesterday and she was a wonderful listener and so polite.

Adam is almost 8 months old and says "ba-ba-ba" and "da-da-da". No "ma-ma-ma" yet. He ALSO does the pirate face! He's army crawling everywhere and gets up on hands and knees and rocks. He seems REALLY close to crawling.

Adam is eating about half baby food and half table food and drinks about 5-6 bottles a day with 3-6 ounces from each bottle. He's never had an ear infection, has had the stomach flu once and, I think, had had the sniffles a couple times.

Adam sleeps from about 7:15-about 6:00 every morning and has been sleeping through the night since about 3 months but often gets up 1-2 times a night and just needs his Nuk to go right back to sleep.

Adam got his first two bottom teeth on Christmas and the day after and got his 3rd, left top, tooth yesterday. The other top tooth looks like it's about to come through any day.

Wednesday, February 18th

Interview with Ryann, nearly 3 years old:

1. What's your favorite color?

2. What color are you eyes?

3. How do you spell your name?
"MOPQRRNRN....Mom, I don't know how to do it!"

4. What do you want to be when you grow up?
"A doctor and a doctor 'pointment"

5. How old are you going to be?
That's how old you are now; how old are you GOING to be?

6. How high can you count?
"1, 2, 3, 4"
Is that it?
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7...Mom, count the numbers on your shirt (referring to the lettering on my shirt)"

7. What's your last name?
14?! Your first name is Ryann; what's your last name?
"Um. Stewart"

8. What's your little brother's name?
"Um. Adam"

9. How many eyes do you have?
"1, 2"

10. (I drew a square) What shape is this?
"A square"
(I drew a circle) What shape is this?
"A O"
(I drew a triangle) What shape is this?
"A square"
That shape up there was a square; what's this?
"A triangle"

February 24, 2009

Lately, Ryann has been giving a thumbs-up while nodding and grinning from ear to ear to indicate her food tastes good. Stu and I usually copy her and then (and I have NO idea where this came from) she wants to touch thumbs and she exclaims, "Thumb on the corn!"

Our = we're (for Ryann)

Last night, after Adam's bath (and it may have been a coincidence), I told him, "Clap, clap, clap! Can you clap?!" and he CLAPPED his hands together.

At right about 9 months, just like Ryann, Adam figured how to get up into a sitting position from a lying position. Now that he's upright, it is so fun to watch him explore the world.

Max calls an assembly line a "dissembly line"

April 19, 2009

Interview with Max

1. What's your favorite color?
"Um, blue"

2. What color are your eyes?

3. How do you spell your name?

4. What do you want to be when you grow up?
"All of the sports"

5. How old are you going to be next year?

6. How high can you count?
"1, 2, 3, 4...(quietly to himself)....29!"

7. What's your last name?

8. What's your little brother's name?

9. How many eyes do you have?
(laughs) "Yeah! I can see 100 things!"

Max got bored so we stopped the interview.

Adam turned 11 months old a few days ago and is crawling around and pulling up to standing like crazy. He does not like to drink formula anymore so we switched him to while milk and give him vitamins. He also quit drinking all bottles this weekend except he ones before bed - we didn't offer any and he didn't seem to care.

July 22, 2009

Today Adam learned to pull himself up onto the couch. He looks so proud. He's been taking steps for weeks but NO walking yet.

Some funny stories:
1. We went to the MN Zoo today and went through the Caribou drive thru on the way there. Max and Ryann asked where we were and when we told them, Max said (with an incredulous tone of voice), "There's a whole restaurant for coffee?!!"
2. While watching the cow milking demonstration at the zoo, Ryann leaned over and asked, "Is that soy milk?"
3. On the ride home from the zoo we were listening to our ever-present kids CD and when we pulled in the driveway and turned off the ignition "ABCs" had been playing. Ryann said, "I can still hear music, listen". I listened and told her I didn't hear anything. She said, "Com here and listen in my ear. It's the ABC song"

One of Max and Ryann's favorite songs right now is "The Moldau" by Smetana.

I love "Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo from their kids CD.

ALSO today, Max asked if he and I could go outside to play catch with a football and play soccer. I told him we could but we only had 10 minutes. He immediately responded, "OK, we'll play catch for 5 minutes and then soccer for 5 minutes".


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